It’s January. As I step into a new year, I contemplate what 2025 will hold. New things are unfolding all around. A new president stepping into office. A new grandbaby added to our family. A new book published on January 1st. This is the beginning of a new season for me in many respects.
I asked the Lord for a word or phrase that will give me direction and purpose for the months ahead. And, I felt the Lord answer, “I want you to be fully alive in 2025.”
Immediately, I thought of John 10:10, a verse that’s probably familiar to many. Jesus says, “The thief only comes to steal, kill, and destroy. I came that they may have life, and may have it abundantly.” (World English Bible)
Oh yes. I want to fully embrace the abundant life that Jesus has already provided for me. But I don’t always know how to access this gift.
I spent some time in prayer, and was drawn to this scripture in my favorite translation of the Bible, the One New Man Bible:
Isaiah 43: 18-20
Do not remember the former things! Do not consider the things of old! Behold, I shall do a new thing. Now it will spring forth. Will you not know it? I shall even make a way in the wilderness, rivers in the desert. The beast of the field, the jackals, and the ostriches will honor Me, because I give waters in the wilderness, rivers in the desert, to give drink to My people, My chosen.
For me to grab hold of this truth, and to live the abundant life that Jesus intended, I must leave behind old ways of thinking and old ways of doing. It’s time to look through the lens of Heaven and allow the Light of Truth to shine.
One area I struggle with is comparing myself to others. This never leads to a good result. I’m not like anyone else. I’m not supposed to be. The Lord created me as a unique expression of Himself and packed me with giftings, quirks, abilities, and details that make me who I am. I’m not better than, or less than someone else. Just different. And God loves me.
Since I’m struggling to love myself, I know I need to align with His Word in this area. Romans 12:2 admonishes, “Don’t be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind,”
A powerful way for me to change old thought patterns is through a declaration. Proverbs 18:21 tells us the tongue has the power of life and death. And science tells us that when we repeatedly speak something with our voice, new neural pathways are created. (Check out these experts for more info: BRM Institute Neuroscience Article and Dr Caroline Leaf)
God’s word is the ultimate source of life and truth. I choose to speak God’s truth over myself.

What does the Bible say about me?
I am fearfully and wonderfully made. (Psalm 139:14)
I have the mind of Messiah. (1 Cor 2:16)
I am more than a conqueror because Messiah has already overcome. (Romans 8:36-38)
I am the dwelling place of Most High, the temple of Holy Spirit. (John 14:17, 1 Cor 6:19)
I walk in favor. It covers me like a buckler. (Psalm 5:12, One New Man Bible explains the buckler was a full body shield.)
I am accepted. (Rom 15:7)
I am loved. (1 John 4:10-12, John 3:16)
Equipped with these truths, I pray, Lord, that I can embrace my identity as Your daughter. How blessed I am that You, the Most High God, Creator of All Things, actively choose me.
Let me see myself as You see me. Let my heart beat in rhythm with Yours. You are my Deliverer, my King, my Heavenly Father…. my Abba.
I am Yours. And You are mine.
With You leading the way, I will step into the new season with expectation and hope. Together, we will find a way through the wilderness – blazing trails is what You do. We will find streams of living water in the desert, and I will drink deeply at the fountain of Your Word.
My Declaration:
My identity is not tainted by past failures, nor is it defined by other people. My identity comes from who You say I am. My words will line up with Yours. Your Word is the fountain of Abundant Life. I will drink deeply of Your living water and will be so saturated with Your goodness and love that it will overflow to those around me.